YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — The importance of long-term care insurance can often be hard to conceptualize, says Leo Daprile Jr. of Gem Young Insurance and Financial Services in Canfield.
“A lot of times we feel that we’re immortal,” he says.
But when people have big, life-changing moments, such as getting married or starting a family, he says they begin to evaluate options for the future.
“Suddenly people think, ‘Maybe I should evaluate what my choices are and what the next 10, 20, 30, even 40 years will look like.”
Original Air Date: October 5, 2021. Every Tuesday during the Dan Rivers show on News Radio 570 WKBN, Gem Young President Leo Daprile hosts a radio show called Your Money. Daprile brings his vast knowledge of all things “money” to discuss the topics in language everyone can understand.