LOWELLVILLE, Ohio – With the award of a $300,000 grant from the Ohio Development Services Agency, downtown Lowellville will undergo several revitalization projects beginning in June.
Work will be done on 15 buildings, including new roofing, flooring and electrical systems. Also included in the budget are new sidewalks and curbing, the creation of a parking lot and other upgrades across downtown.
“Lowellville is going to be a different town,” said Mayor James Iudiciani.
The participating businesses will contribute $214,000 in matching funds for work on their buildings, bringing the total spending for the projects to $428,000.
A request for qualifications for a consultant to manage the day-to-day aspects of the projects will be issued by the end of the month, with the goal of having a contract in place by the end of January.
“There’s a lot of preliminary work to be done with the business owners,” said Mahoning County Board of Commissioners budget specialist Annemarie DeAcentis.
Pictured: Lowellville Mayor James Iudiciani