YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Former boxing champ Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini will be the featured speaker at the 2016-2017 Youngstown Community Connectors program kickoff Sept. 22.

Students in the program learn basic jobs skills such as resume writing, interviewing techniques, time management, team collaboration and appropriate dress for the workplace.

At the event, which will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. at Choffin Career & Technical Center, attendees will learn more about the program. It’s aimed at making students in 11th and 12th grades workforce-ready by matching them to job and mentorship opportunities, as well as providing job shadowing and internship and externship opportunities, all within the local business community.

Students attending also will have an opportunity to explore the programs Choffin offers.

The event is for students in Youngstown City Schools; parents/guardians and educators; community leaders; and businesses that are interested in offering internship, externship and mentoring opportunities.

The Ohio Department of Education awarded the Youngstown Warren Regional Chamber two $100,000 grants for the second round of its Community Connectors school mentorship program. The program launched in the first round of funding with Youngstown City School students and then was extended to the Warren City School District.

Partners in the grant include the Regional Chamber, Youngstown State University, Kent State University Trumbull Campus, Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance, Eastern Gateway Community College, Choffin/Youngstown City Schools and Teen Straight Talk.

Those interested in attending the Sept. 22 event should RSVP to Loisjean Haynes-Paige at 330 744 8759 or by Sept. 19.