Our readers — your potential customers — have told us they want to read more stories about business technology. That’s why we’re launching TechTrack!

Over the course of 2018, seven editions of The Business Journal will look at how technology improves productivity and profitability. TechTrack begins in our March edition as we focus on IT Consultants, learn about virtual CIOs, best office practices and cyber security.

Sign up for 4 of the 7 TechTrack editions and earn reduced rates.

March: IT Consultants
April: Cyber Security Roundtable
Mid-May: Manufacturing
August: Digital Marketing
September: Education
October: Business Software
December: There’s An App

FREQUENCY DISCOUNTS for TechTrack series
Full page/full color: $750/insertion
Half page/full color: $510/insertion
Quarter page/full color: $300/insertion
Eighth page/full color: $200/insertion

300 x 600 Tower Banner
10M impressions/mo.

300 x 250 pixels banner
10M impressions/mo.

300 x 100 pixels banner
10M impressions/mo.

Advertising Deadline: Feb. 19 — Publication Date: Feb. 27
Call 330 227 7155 — Sales@business-journal.com

TELL OUR REPORTERS what’s new and should be reported in this special section!