CANFIELD, Ohio — Mahoning County Career and Technical Center will cut the ribbon Thursday on a new lab at the school. The new Robotics and Advanced Manufacturing Technology Education Collaborative – RAMTEC – lab was developed in collaboration with the General Motors Lordstown Complex.

In September, GM manufacturing engineers visited the school to discuss the placement of the equipment and what they are looking for in future employees. Students in the school’s engineering and auto programs visited the Lordstown plant the next month to see the robotics equipment the plant uses and how the plant runs.

The mentoring relationship with GM will continue, according to a news release announcing Thursday’s event.

Students will have the opportunity to earn industry-recognized certifications before they leave high school, which will make them marketable in the workforce.

The lab features FANUC Robotics, Yaskawa Motoman Robotics, Parker Hydraulics, and Project Lead the Way. It will be available to students enrolled at MCCTC as well as students in the Valley STEM +ME2 Academy.