YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Halfway through the month of August, the sale of the land and buildings where the former Eddy automobile dealerships operated is the largest commercial real estate transaction this month in Mahoning County.

On the residential side, the sale of a house on Mission Hills Drive topped the one million dollar mark, and is the largest residential transaction to date.

On Aug. 2, C. Eddy I Properties LLC transferred to Jim Shorkey Youngstown Real Estate I LLC the real estate at 4836 Mahoning Ave. in Youngstown, as well as 14 N. Anderson Ave. in Youngstown, for a total consideration of $3.71 million.

On Aug. 6, Brad M. Constantini sold George E. Bach Jr. the house at 5440 Mission Hills Drive in Canfield for $1.2 million.

Beginning today, The Business Journal will publish, on every business day, all real estate transactions, commercial and residential, when the total consideration is $100,000 or greater. The transactions will be posted by month in date-descending order and then in order of total consideration, high to low.

The mid-month print edition of The Business Journal will continue to publish the largest commercial real estate transactions in the three-county area.

Transactions elsewhere in our coverage area will soon be published as well.

CLICK to see August real estate sales to date.