COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Ohio Department of Natural Resources issued 15 new horizontal well permits in the Utica shale play during the week ended Sept. 19, the agency reported Tuesday.

All of the permits were awarded for prospective wells in the southern tier of the Utica, where wells have proven the most productive.

Ascent Resources Utica LLC received six permits, two for wells in Belmont County and another four for horizontal wells in Guernsey County. Hess Ohio Developments LLC was awarded five permits for wells in Harrison County, XTO Energy received two permits for wells in Belmont County, and Antero Resources Corp. received two horizontal well permits in Noble County.

No permits were issued for well sites in Columbiana, Mahoning or Trumbull counties during the week.

To date, 2,013 horizontal permits have been issued in eastern Ohio’s Utica. The shale play boasts 1,591 wells that have been drilled and 1,009 producing.

The rig count rose from 21 operating in the Utica the previous week to 22 the week of Sept. 19.

No permits were issued to energy companies in Mercer or Lawrence counties in western Pennsylvania, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.