YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Oh Wow! The Roger & Gloria Jones Children’s Center for Science & Technology plans to reach more students across northeastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania with expanded enrichment activities, dynamic camps, career exposure and diverse programming.

Focused on the STEM disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, Oh Wow welcomed 50,000 visitors in 2023, captivating 26,000 learners with STEM, Marvin Logan Jr., executive director, reports.

“Over 75% of our learners achieved higher learning outcomes; over 90% developed a passion for sciences. We provided over 200,000 hours of STEM engagement,” Logan says.

A deliberate strategy to expand Oh Wow’s impact led to construction of an Innovation Wing on the second floor of the museum in downtown Youngstown. It includes a mixed reality classroom, 3D-printing and advanced manufacturing microlearning lab, microelectronics and robotics lab, and a digital collaboration lab. The wing will open early this year.

Oh Wow will introduce two giving programs this year and a new signature event, Logan says.

The Inspire Club is Oh Wow’s new giving society that will support its educational programming and provide its members exclusive benefits to inspire the next generation of STEM leaders.

“This program will allow Oh Wow to host special guests, themed programs and more to bring our entire community into action,” Logan says.

This year also will see the debut of Sports 4 STEM, a fundraising event that Logan describes as “the ultimate fusion of athleticism and innovation.” Community sports legends will participate in the competition, where a spinning a wheel determines the sport.