COLUMBUS, Ohio — Small businesses in Ohio have access to the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency’s updated Permit Wizard, an online tool intended to help new businesses get started on the right track with proper permits.

Existing businesses can also use Permit Wizard anonymously as a way to check on whether they still have the right permits for their operations.

Permit Wizard guides users through a series of general questions about their operations, and users are not required to identify themselves or the type of business they engage in. Once users finish answering the questions Permit Wizard poses, they receive a summary, identifying permits, licenses or registrations they will likely need along with contacts and links to helpful resources.

It is only a starting point and not a substitute for reviewing the regulations and/or getting assistance where needed from an experienced permitting consultant, EPA officials emphasized.

The Permit Wizard offers:

  • A choice of industry type to focus responses on those permits most applicable to that industry.
  • The ability to select specific permit categories, such as water discharge, air, waste.
  • More detailed information on specific permit requirements.
  • A downloadable, customized results summary with Web links and local contacts for follow-up.
  • Ability to evaluate the applicability of various permit exemptions.
  • Flexibility to go back and change information submitted.

The Permit Wizard can be accessed here.