YOUNGSTOWN – Those with barriers to finding employment now have the free Career Resource Navigator tool to assist them, according to Ohio Department of Job and Family Services Director Matt Damschroder.

Located at, the new career planning resource allows for customizable support.

An individual, career counselor, workforce professional or others looking for support need only to answer a few questions and a list is created of programs and resources tailored to assist them or someone they are helping, said Damschroder.  Assistance is available in a variety of areas such as managing a disability, obtaining education or skills and locating support such as childcare or transportation.

Once the list of resources is created, there is additional data available about the programs, including the types of jobs available and average salaries of others completing the program.

The Career Resource Navigator was developed in collaboration with the Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation, the ODJFS, the Ohio Department of Higher Educations, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities and the Ohio Education Research Center at The Ohio State University.

Although the navigator was designed with a focus of easy-to-use and understand features, those visiting the tool for the first time can watch a brief instructional video to learn about the resources and how to get started with the first step of answering questions using the “Customize Your Navigator” link.