YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – The final official notice that Parker Hannifin will close its Gear Pump plant at 2701 Intertech Drive has been received the Ohio Department of Job & Family Services.

The WARN notice, required by the Workers Adjustment and Retaining Notification Act, also was addressed to the mayor of Youngstown, which Parker Hannifin’s letter, dated Jan. 25, erroneously named as Chuck Sammarone.

Sammarone was succeeded in December 2013 by John McNally; the first WARN notice from Parker Hannifin was correctly addressed to McNally.

Parker Hannifin announced Oct. 27 that layoffs at the plant would begin Jan. 15 and continue through Jan. 29 with members of Local 2332 of the United Steelworkers Union being furloughed in order of seniority.

A separate final WARN notice, also dated Jan. 25, was sent to the international president of the United Steelworkers, Leo W. Gerard, outlining the remaining four job titles and employees to be eliminated.

The notices,  posted today on the JFS website, state the plant will permanently close with the “second round of separations” beginning March 18 and continuing through April 1.

“It is anticipated that the total number of employees to be affected is 107,” said Mark Hettinger, Parker Hannifin human resource manager.

Cleveland-based Parker Hannifin acquired Commercial Intertech, a homegrown manufacturer founded in 1920, 15 years ago. The Youngstown plant, built by  Intertech, made hydraulic gear parts used in heavy equipment for agriculture, oil and gas drilling and other industrial applications.

Once the plant closes, Parker’s presence in the city will be reduced to its 22-person research and development operation inside Commercial Intertech’s former headquarters at 1775 Logan Ave.