SHARON, Pa. – Penn-Northwest Development Corp. saw capital investments of $10.2 million and the retention and creation of 168 jobs in Mercer County, Pa., over the course of fiscal 2017-18, says its president and CEO, Randy Seitz.
Since the launch of the Make It In Mercer County campaign in 2012, Penn-Northwest has generated 2,046 leads, 481 prospect proposals and facilitated 96 site visits, resulting in the arrival of 27 companies in the county, he reports.
“If companies like GE Transportation and Joy Cone can make it in Mercer County, your business can too,” Seitz says of the campaign. “We specialize in providing solutions, anything from low-interest financing for the acquisition of property or equipment to job creation tax credits. We piece all these things together to come up with affordable solutions for corporate expansion.”
New to the county in 2019 will be the What’s So Cool About Manufacturing? program, which pairs seventh- and eighth-grade students in Mercer and Lawrence counties with area manufacturers to develop videos on the companies.
Participating manufacturers include Ilsco Extrusions, Jamestown Coating Technologies, Miller Industries, Penn Stainless, Sharon Tube, Solar Atmospheres, Reynolds Services, Wendell August Forge and Wheatland Tube.
“We are excited to bring this new initiative to our area and are looking forward to seeing how these middle school teams showcase the various careers that exist in manufacturing,” says Tammy Calderwood, vice president of marketing for Penn-Northwest. The contest culminates with a public online voting period in March.
Throughout 2019, Penn-Northwest will continue its focus on members as it rotates its quarterly meetings to sites throughout the county. The meetings provide economic development updates, as well as business-to-business networking opportunities, Calderwood says.