Submitted by Deborah Plant, innkeeper, Plant’s Herb Farm Bed & Breakfast
MERCER, Pa. — After 17 years, Plant’s Herb Farm Bed & Breakfast is working to expand its presence in the community, says Deborah Plant, innkeeper.
“We are always looking for different ways to drive new business, especially after being faced with the additional challenges of the past year,” Plant says. “The bed and breakfast business is a wonderful way to meet and greet new people, and we’ve been called a charming getaway that exceeds the expectations of our guests.”
The inn is located at 104 S. Foster Road in Mercer.
What is a recent bit of big news you’d like to share?
We have planted lavender and other herbs in our field, and we will be offering you-pick opportunities as part of our agritourism package.
We are planning to add more items and can’t wait to share them with our visitors. Since the need for social distancing will still be here due to COVID, we hope to be “the” thing to do this summer.
As an herbal enthusiast, I will offer classes on growing, cooking, grilling and harvesting the herbs you have picked. These classes have proved popular.
We also offer personal teas, fairy teas, birthday parties, dinners and showers. We will entertain and teach groups about herbs. We welcome groups such as garden clubs, Red Hat Ladies, Girls and Boy Scout troops, or any other groups.