NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. – Nearly 100 years ago, on Jan. 17, 1920, the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution began the era of Prohibition in America.

Today, patrons of The Tavern on the Square are celebrating that the borough of New Wilmington has finally ended prohibition. Beginning at 1 p.m., The Tavern, 108 N Market St., will begin serving craft and imported beers and wines.

“We are really excited to serve the community of New Wilmington, our neighboring Lawrence County communities and the loyal customer base of The Tavern on the Square,” says Todd Ulicny, owner of the 89-year-old restaurant.  “The Tavern has made it convenient for guests to finally have a refreshing adult beverage with their homemade meals.”

A community campaign to end the borough’s ban on serving beer and wine began Dec. 30, 2018, when Ulicny informed borough officials of The Tavern’s intent to repeal a state law that, after Prohibition was repealed, enabled local governments to extend the ban through a local option that preserved New Wilmington as a dry borough.

After several community forums were held last year to discuss the impacts of such a change, the community voted overwhelmingly in the affirmative in the May 2019 primary election.

“That the Tavern may now live up to its namesake as a true tavern serving beer, wine and, in a few months, cocktails is an important step towards greater economic benefits to this community in the form of increased local employment and business tax revenue,” says Ulicny. 

“We pray that this is also one more step towards attracting greater business growth and new entrepreneurs into the borough of New Wilmington.”