CANFIELD — The Ohio Valley Giant Pumpkin Growers had a great year in 2023, claiming the title for average weight for the 10th time in the past 17 years.

The group, which manages the pumpkin barn at the Canfield Fair, hosts two seed auctions per year, says Bill Hendricks, president. Its funding is based on seed sales and donations.

The average seed sells for $50. Its seed genetics are tracked, and science is applied to the methodology of which seed to grow as well as which male flower to use for pollination.

The Growers holds its annual giant pumpkin weigh-off on the second Saturday of each October. In 2023, it gave away over $26,000 in prize money.

The weigh-off and the seminars attract families and growers from the Carolinas, West Virginia, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania and New York.