Realty Owner, Property Manager: Demolition Reaches ‘Benchmark’

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – The owner and property management company of the Realty Tower said in a statement that the building will be demolished to the fourth floor this weekend, clearing the way for downtown to begin to reopen.

A representative of Live Youngstown Property Management, the property manager, and YO Properties 47, the building owner, released the following statement Wednesday afternoon:

Pending the City of Youngstown’s official approval, residents and businesses can take the first steps toward re-establishing their routines at work and at home as early as next week (the week of August 19). This comes as Realty Tower’s property management and ownership announces the building’s demolition will be completed to the 4th floor by the weekend; a benchmark that promises to safely restore order and operations of businesses and residents.

“It is not a benchmark we ever imagined announcing for Realty Tower, but we can confirm that the demolition process will be complete enough to allow for the safe return of residents, businesses, and employees to their places of work and residence. Since the explosion, it has been a main focus of ours to do our part in restoring order downtown. We are optimistic about these next steps forward,” states Live Youngstown Property Management Group/YO 47 Properties.

The demolition benchmark means displaced residents of International Tower can return to their homes and the DoubleTree Hotel and Bistro 1907 are permitted to reopen for business. The DoubleTree Hotel will welcome guests beginning August 19, 2024.

“It is with hope for the future that we remain committed to the Realty Tower site. We have every intention of continuing our legacy of paying homage to Youngstown’s history while moving it toward a vibrant future,” Live Youngstown/YO 47 says. The group concludes, “The redevelopment of this site will be an extensive process. In the interim, the site will be leveled and will remain vacant as we begin the lengthy process of reimagining and planning a new project worthy of this historic site.”

Published by The Business Journal, Youngstown, Ohio.