YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — Regina Maria Copy, entering its second year of business, provides copywriting and content marketing for health-care professionals. Owner Regina Esarco has sights set on developing her infant enterprise into “a thriving toddler. I hope to be able to bring in more revenue than I spend and get this baby up on two legs,” she says
I want to be able to be a leader in my industry and have my writing be the gold standard for people who want to bring in more business of their own,” she says. “This means more projects, more education and expanding from my circle of one to bringing on other writers to take my business to the next level.”
The company. Though websites for freelancers such as iWritie and UpWork offer clients content at “extremely low prices,” Regina Maria Copy caters to a specific niche – the health-care industry – and provides high-quality work.
“And a great portfolio doesn’t hurt either,” she says.
When Esarco started her company, it was the culmination of years of dreaming of being self-employed, she says. And with the dive into freelance writing came uncertainty.
“Am I going to make it? Am I going to be able to get this business off the ground, let alone get it to support me?” she says. “These are words that have gone through all of our minds at one point. The difference is, are you going to listen to it, or are you going to keep pushing on despite it?”
And as a solo entrepreneur, Esarco says one the biggest factors in being successful is mental health.
“We romanticize the ‘hustle and grind’ mentality. The gain comes when you’re not concerned with whether or not you reach the goals you’ve set for the year,” she says. “Yes, make them big and scary, but don’t sacrifice your wellbeing for them.”