COLUMBUS, Ohio – Through the third quarter of 2023, Ohio’s annual manufacturing gross domestic product reached $133.16 billion, and the industrial sector was responsible for nearly 17.5% of Ohio’s private-sector GDP, according to the 2024 update of the Ohio Manufacturing Counts publication.

The latest edition of the publication was recently released by the Ohio Manufacturers’ Association and includes the latest data from state and federal agencies.

Manufacturing in Ohio accounts for nearly 690,000 jobs, which trails only California and Texas. 

Ohio’s manufacturing workers earned an average salary of $70,000 in 2022 and an average of $31.38 per hour as of November 2023. Total wages in manufacturing surpassed those in any other industry sector, according to the report.

“Ohio continues to cement its status as a manufacturing powerhouse – not just nationally, but worldwide,” said Ryan Augsburger, OMA president. “The latest edition of Ohio Manufacturing Counts illustrates that manufacturing is driving our economy.”

Northeastern Ohio and the Mahoning Valley continue to be large hubs for manufacturing. More than 10,000 people in Mahoning County were employed in manufacturing in 2022, which accounted for nearly 25,000 jobs when combined with Trumbull and Columbiana counties.

In 2021, Mahoning County had 281 manufacturing establishments, while Trumbull County had 192 and Columbiana County had 169. Three of the six counties in Ohio with more than 500 manufacturing establishments were in northeastern Ohio – Cuyahoga, Summit and Lake. And Mahoning County was one of the seven in northeastern Ohio with between 201 and 500 manufacturing establishments, with only 10 in that category total across the state.

With $57 billion in exports, Ohio continued to rank ninth among exporting states in 2022, with the top export being industrial machinery.

The 2024 Ohio Manufacturing Counts publication can be viewed HERE.