Submitted by David Raspanti, president, Rockwood Painting Contractors

Is your business back to normal?

We are very fortunate to say that yes, Rockwood Painting Contractors is back to normal in terms of operations. Despite being deemed as an essential business, we took six weeks off after the initial COVID-19 shutdown last year to prepare for a safer working environment for our employees and clients. In the painting industry, we have actually seen a significant increase in leads over the last nine to 12 months because people are spending more time at home on home improvement projects.

What is your “new normal?”

To avoid any illnesses in our workforce, our “new normal” has consisted of smaller crew sizes who take extra cleaning precautions daily, making sure each employee is using their own tools as opposed to sharing, and our office personnel have been working from home. However, the most challenging part of our “new normal” has been the lack of applicants for our open positions due to the increased demand.

How do you Rally Around Small Business?

We support small businesses by using our community owned paint retailers as much as possible.

Pictured: David and Jennifer Raspanti, co-owners of Rockwood Painting Contractors