WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan, along with U.S. Rep. Tom Reed of New York, have introduced legislation to create the position of U.S. Chief Manufacturing Officer, their offices announced Thursday.
The officer, who would serve in the executive office of the president, will be responsible for creating a national strategy to revitalize the industry and coordinate manufacturing polices with various federal agencies.
“Manufacturing is the lifeblood of our economy and the backbone of the middle class,” said Ryan, D-13 Ohio, in a release. “That is why Rep. Reed and I introduced this legislation to ensure that we are looking at the big picture, and doing everything in our power to give American manufacturing the tools it needs to grow and thrive.”
Added Reed, R-23 N.Y., “It’s only right that we make every effort to encourage growth in domestic manufacturing and develop policies that will put this industry at the forefront of our economic gains.”
The bill is co-sponsored by U.S. Reps. Marcy Kaptur, D-9 Ohio; David Cicilline, D-1 R.I.; and Mike Honda, D- 17 Calif.
Several manufacturing associations have voiced support of the legislation, including the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the Manufacturing Alliance of Communities and the National Council for Advanced Manufacturing.
“It will provide,” said Fred Wentzel, vice president of the National Council for Advanced Manufacturing, “the president and the nation with an executive officer responsible for helping strengthen the U.S. economy by shaping national manufacturing-related policy, developing transformational manufacturing strategies and enhancing the competitiveness of the American manufacturing community worldwide.”