SALEM, Ohio – The Salem High School Alumni Association recently awarded scholarships totaling $415,700 to 77 Salem High School graduating seniors and 35 alumni in postsecondary education.

The organization’s Scholarship Award Ceremony, 143rd Annual Meeting and Alumni Open House was held April 27. Since 1908, more than $9.6 million has been awarded to nearly 2,700 Salem students, the organization said in a news release.

Joseph A. Shivers of Salem was honored as the 2024 Salem High School Alumni Association Honored Alumnus. He served as Salem City Schools superintendent from 2014-2019 and operates Dr. Joe’s Learning Center LLC, where he offers K-12 tutoring, ACT and SAT preparation and college admissions assistance. 

Also during the ceremony, the organization acknowledged the 50-year class, the Salem High School Class of 1974, with a reflection given by Tom Jesko, class president.

Pictured at top: Joe Shivers speaks during the ceremony. At left are Salem High School Alumni Association officers Mickey Cope Weaver, second vice president; Wendy Storey Saltsman, treasurer; Audrey Cleveland Null, executive director; Peter Apicella, first vice president; and Mary Winch, president.