Salute to Family Business

Salute to Family Business

Family business is the bedrock of this region’s economy and now more than ever, we must support family businesses and patronize these unique enterprises. That’s why The Business Journal is saluting Family Business in April. We invite you to tell them who you are, your history, what your business does and where our exclusive audience will find you.

Start with a Business Profile ad in April! Submit information about your family business (year founded and background, principals, products and services, number employees) along with a full-color photo – a group shot or a picture of your facility and products would be ideal. Our copywriters will create a biographic sketch (200- to 400 words depending on ad size) to accompany the picture. We’ll add your logo and contact information for an attention-getting ad that will appear in print and online.

Family Business Profiles:

  • Full page, full color: $890
  • Half page, full color: $540
  • Quarter page, full color: $420

Also available: A block ad in a two-page spread with 12 other companies. Size: 3” wide by 3 ½ high. Includes name, logo, contact info. COST: $180

Additional Digital Boost:

Midpage leaderboard ad – 728 x 90
Ad links to your website or to the PDF of the profile ad. Runs for 30 days at Guaranteed 10K impressions! COST: $250

Contact your sales rep today!
Jan O’Malley: | 330 227 7129
Ryan Cochran: | 330 227 7148

Ad Deadline: March 18, 2019 | Publication: March 26, 2019