CANFIELD, Ohio – A teacher job fair at the Educational Service Center of Eastern Ohio will seek applicants for 16 of the schools in the area.

Those nearing graduation, credentialed teachers, substitute teachers and classroom assistance will get the opportunity to meet with recruiters or district administrators from each of the participating schools.

But Madison Woolman, human resources assistant with the ESC of Eastern Ohio, notes not only are these schools looking for teachers for grades pre-K through 12, but for classified staff members as well.

“I know people hear teacher job fair and they might think it’s just specific to teachers, and that is primarily the goal of the job fair,” Woolman said. “However, they are still looking for those classified positions – bus drivers, cooks and classroom assistants.”

The ESC of Eastern Ohio also will be looking for those who provide services to the school districts in several areas.

“At the ESC we’re always recruiting for people services, so that would be like occupational therapists, physical therapists, school psychologist, speech language pathologist. So primarily it’s teachers, but it’s more broad in other positions as well,” Woolman said.

In the fall, the Ohio Education Association reported there were nearly 17,000 fewer people in Ohio working in education than before the pandemic.

Additionally, the ESC works to find substitute teachers, and Woolman notes districts continue to have a “desperate need” for them. While every district is a bit different for substitute requirements, Woolman said most are looking for a substitute to have a bachelor’s degree, regardless of whether it is in education. The ESC then can help someone work through the process to apply to be a substitute teacher, which includes a background check.

The local school districts attending the job fair will be Boardman, Canfield, Jackson Milton, Lowellville, Sebring, South Range, United, West Branch and Western Reserve, as well as the city school districts of Struthers and Youngstown. Additionally, the Mahoning County Board of Developmental Disability, Mahoning Valley Regional Council of Governments, Potential Development, the Youngstown Community Schools and the ESC of Eastern Ohio will seek applicants at the job fair.

It is not too late to pre-register, according to Woolman. Although not required, pre-registration will allow the ESC to share information with the districts beforehand and provide additional details including openings based on the applicant’s skills, training or certification.

Also not a requirement, Woolman suggests bringing along a resume or portfolio if possible.

Superintendents will be there from most schools to speak with possible applicants directly, and some districts are doing interviews at the event.

The job fair is scheduled from 9:30 a.m. to noon April 20 at the ESC of Eastern Ohio, 7320 N. Palmyra Road.