BOARDMAN, Ohio — The Associated School Employees Credit Union awarded a $500 scholarship to credit union member Bree Kohler, a graduate from the South Range Local School District.
The scholarship honors the memory of long-standing board member and credit union founder, G. Howard Shreve, who was an educator in the Austintown school system. He was the founder and the first president of ASECU, serving on the board of directors for 52 years.
Kohler’s winning essay answered the question, “What does being a credit union member mean to you?” In her essay, Kohler mentions liking the “home grown” feel of ASECU and dealing with an institution who puts her first and also learning about saving and credit.
She plans to attend Youngstown State University in the fall. In addition to pursuing her degree, she has also committed to the YSU Softball team.
“We are pleased to award this scholarship in memory Howard Shreve”, said Michael J. Kurish, ASECU president/CEO. “Howard’s vision, dedication and advocacy on behalf of the credit union has impacted so many lives. Our hope is to maintain his legacy by fulfilling his dream of making higher education accessible for all students. We wish Ms. Kohler all the best in her future endeavors.”
Pictured: ASECU President/CEO Michael Kurish presents the check to Bree Kohler, South Range.