YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — The Business Journal is asking companies and organizations to tell us how they are faring and what they are doing to help others through this pandemic crisis.

We call this series “Stepping Up.” Segments have been posted all this week and will continue to be posted during the crisis.

Submit your own story at

Baird Brothers

CANFIELD, Ohio – Baird Brothers Fine Hardwood is accepting orders placed by its website and phone, with pick-up, shipping and delivery available.

Deliveries will be made to sites in Ohio within 100 miles of Baird’s Canfield mill.

Curbside pickup is also available 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m. to noon Saturday. Customers can pull into designated lanes to have their vehicles loaded. 

All pick-up orders must be prepaid; not on-site payments will be accepted. Baird Brothers’ showroom and warehouse will be closed for safety.

Reminger Co. LPA

CLEVELAND – The Reminger Foundation has donated $275,000 to hospitals throughout its 14-office footprint to support frontline caregivers.

The grants were made to hospitals that have established recovery funds in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

“We wanted to identify a meaningful way to demonstrate our deep appreciation for these heroes who are working tirelessly and valiantly on the front lines in our communities to help treat those afflicted with the COVID-19 virus,” says Stephen Walters, managing partner of Reminger Co. and chairman of The Reminger Foundation. 

“Reminger has always been a close partner of the medical community,” he continues. “There has never been a more important time for us to work together to overcome this overwhelming challenge.” 


NORTH LIMA, Ohio – The Armstrong Neighborhood Channel has partnered with Jack Ciarnello, Maureen McCarty and other entertainers and fitness instructors to launch a new, locally produced TV show.

The show will air on Armstrong’s channel 20/100 weekdays 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. through April 21.

“The Armstrong Neighborhood Channel has increased its local programming during this pandemic with many summer concerts, exercise programs, gardening tips and original shows like Street Scene, Counterpoint: A Musician’s Tale and Vision of the Valley to entertain, educate and captivate during the sheltering,” the company says.

Washington Prime Group

BOARDMAN, Ohio – The company that owns Southern Park Mall has launched the Open for Small Business initiative to provide resources and payment options to businesses during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Washington Prime Group is partnering with the University of Chicago and Justice Clinic on Entrepreneurship to provide the programming.

The iniative will provide a lease modification template that allows for payment deferrals, as well as webinars with government agency officials and private-sector experts on topics such as SBA loans. 

The resources are available to all small businesses, regardless of if they are a Washington Prime tenant or not. More information is available on the Open for Small Business website