YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — The Business Journal is asking companies and organizations to tell us how they are faring and what they are doing to help others through this pandemic crisis.

We call this series “Stepping Up.” Segments will continue to be posted during the crisis.

Submit your own story at

Waypoint 4180

CANFIELD, Ohio – Waypoint 4180 and CTW Development Corp. will provide free pizza to first responders May 5 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

The free food will be provided to the first 500 attendees in uniform or showing a valid work ID.

“Nurses, doctors, law enforcement, firefighters, ambulance drivers: if you work on the front lines of this crisis please drive up so we can show our appreciation” says Nancy Sullivan, Waypoint 4180’s executive director of sales and marketing.

Chuck Whitman, president and owner of CTW Development Corp. adds: “We realize the dedication and sacrifice of those on the front lines and this is just our little way of saying thank you.” 

Editor’s Note: This entry has been updated to include the correct date, May 5, for the food giveaway.


YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Beginning May 12, Alliance for Congregational Transformation Influencing Our Neighborhoods and the Mahoning Youngstown Community Action Partnership will launched a free delivery service for its 600 senior clients.

The program was developed after news of scams affecting seniors using unchecked volunteer delivery programs. In some cases, the scammers used seniors’ EBT cards, says Mycap direction Sheila Triplett, for their own use.

Mycap caseworkers will work with volunteer to identify and coordinate no-contact deliveries twice a month. 

“This way our shoppers are vetted by Action and Mycap and they will partner with grocery outlets to ensure that they have a list of approved shoppers,” Triplett says.

Adds Action Executive Director Rosetta Carter: “We are excited about the possibility to assist with this project. We’re all in this together and it’s painful to consider that people are being exploited during this time of crisis.

Stambaugh Auditorium

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Stambaugh Auditorium has launched a new weekly streaming series featuring a catalog of past performances at the venue.

The videos, broadcast every Friday at 7 p.m., can be watched through Stambaugh’s YouTube page. Information on each performance and links to watch them are available at

The announced schedule of performances is:

  • May 8, Stambaugh Youth Concert Band’s spring 2018 concert.
  • May 15, Fred Astaire Dance Studios Youngstown- Seasons of Love.
  • May 22, Stambaugh Youth Concert Band’s fall 2018 performance.
  • May 29, Opera Western Reserve present “Madama Butterfly.”
  • June 5, Stambaugh Youth Concert Band’s spring 2019 performance. 
  • June 19, Stambaugh Youth Concert Band’s fall 2019 concert.

A video will also be played June 12, but which performance is yet to be determined.

WaterFire Sharon

SHARON, Pa. – WaterFire Sharon has canceled its July 25 event, currently limiting the eighth annual event to just one day this year: Sept. 19.

“Of course, we are hopeful that we can have at least one lighting this summer” said Karen Anderson, land operations manager for WaterFire. “However, we will closely monitor Pennsylvania’s guidelines and plan accordingly – including cancel the event if that’s what is Erequired.”

Each event requires a team of 200 volunteers and draws throngs of crowds to downtown Sharon for the arts festival and brazier-lighting. WaterFire is free to attend.

More information about the event, as well as volunteer opportunities, is available at