COLUMBUS, Ohio — JobsOhio ranks as the No. 3 state economic development organization in the country, according to a new survey of U.S. corporate executives and site selection consultants. It was released at the International Economic Development Council’s annual conference.

JobsOhio is a private, nonprofit corporation designed to drive job creation and new capital investment in Ohio through business attraction, retention and expansion efforts.

The survey, conducted by Development Counselors International every three years, has tracked trends in economic development since its inception in 1996.

“The recognition of JobsOhio as a ‘best in class’ economic development organization is a testament to our associates and partners, who are driven by our mission to attract jobs and investment to Ohio,” said John Minor, JobsOhio president and chief investment officer. “It is great to see the success of JobsOhio’s unique model, which takes a new approach to business development.”

Ohio also was ranked as having the No. 9 business climate among the 50 states.

The survey “provides insights into the minds of key decision makers — from their perceptions on locations around the world to how they get the information that shapes those perceptions,” said Andrew T. Levine, president of Development Counselors International, in a statement. “As the competition for business expansions and talent intensifies, this information can be crucial to communities looking to set themselves apart from other locations.”

For a copy of the survey, “Winning Strategies in Economic Development Marketing,” or an executive summary, visit this website.

SOURCE: JobsOhio