YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Wednesday morning, in week two of The Business Journal video series “Survive, Adapt, Transform,” we tackle the question of business liability and potential adverse impact related to the conveyance of COVID-19.

We delve into the consequences of someone contracting the virus at your place of business. Is the situation different if it’s an employee or customer? What if an employee becomes infected somewhere else and brings the virus into your business and others become ill?

We explore the issues surrounding liability and risk management, as well as the impact on your brand if a news of your virus outbreak goes viral.

This series is sponsored by First National Bank of Pennsylvania. It began June 10 and runs four consecutive weeks.

The videos feature a 20-minute discussion moderated by The Business Journal, followed by a question and answer session for attendees. Registration is available here; those who register will be able directly engage with panelists.

In episode two of the series, our experts are:

  • Nils Johnson of Johnson & Johnson Law Firm.
  • Jim Klingensmith of L. Calvin Jones
  • Jeff Hedrich of The Prodigal Company.

As we reopen the economy, The Business Journal is committed to providing strategies and resources to help companies in the region get back on track. We’re providing resources to help companies move up the curve from pure survival, to adaptation and ultimately transformation.

Join us at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow!