By Brad White, CEO, The Tartan Companies
BOARDMAN, OhioBy dividing into separate entities under The Tartan Companies umbrella, distinct pathways of expertise continue to be the way we offer services to employers. Each company has specific service plans for 2019 that come together as a comprehensive management program for clients that choose to use two or more of our components.

Employee Benefits: We now evaluate almost every client for partial self-insurance options if we are their broker of record for health benefits. Even if self-insurance is not a strong consideration from the employer’s perspective, it is often an excellent benchmark for cost comparisons. It is time consuming for us, but very useful to the client.

Workers’ Comp: Tartan Benefit Services offers public and private employer group rating, group retrospective rating, state fund, self-insured and unemployment administration options. Through data review and analysis, we present the Ohio BWC group retrospective rating program as an option. Participation eligibility in other BWC savings programs is analyzed as well. Unemployment administration services are offered in conjunction with workers’ compensation administration services.

Government Compliance and Human Resources: Tartan Risk Solutions found this past year that an on-site human resource and government compliance audit is extremely valuable for an employer. Findings of the audit are shared only with the client and a game plan to correct specific issues can be put in motion with or without our assistance.

Risk Management: Commercial and personal liability coverage has become more complex. During a review process with Karzmer Insurance, under-coverages, over-coverages and complete risk exposures are often discovered. We use the same philosophy in our HR and compliance reviews, and it is put to good use in liability coverage assessments.

Our rollout product for 2019 is scheduled for midyear and will provide employers a new way to assist their employees in funding an unexpected health care cost due to higher out-of-pocket costs. Our plan designs often avoid pushing increased costs to employees. But many employers are finding out-of-pocket exposures can be devastating to their workforce when a large claim is incurred.