YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — At the insistence of some of his clients at BlessBodyFit, Joe Moss II tried out to speak at TEDxYoungstown this year.
“I ended up auditioning and I got in, which was amazing in itself” Moss says. “Then I figured, ‘You know what? I have to have something to say.’ “
That shouldn’t be an issue for the exercise scientist and lifestyle/fitness coach, who tries to say encouraging things to his clients, he says. At the TEDxYoungstown event on Sept. 7, Moss will discuss our relationship to motivation and how to keep people motivated to achieve a goal, he says.
“Trying to get people inspired and keep them going is tough, it’s challenging,” Moss says.
It’s an idea that’s been molded and shaped by the culture of TEDx, Moss says. To find out what this is all about, don’t miss TEDxYoungstown, Sept. 7 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the DeYor Performing Arts Center. Tickets are available at