BOARDMAN, Ohio — TGI Fridays has closed its restaurant in the Tiffany Plaza here, idling some 70 workers.

The closing results from the restaurant deciding not to renew its lease at the site, 7165 Tiffany Blvd.

“We just came to the end of their lease term and they elected not to renovate,” said Bill Kutlick, owner of Kutlick Realty LLC. “We are working with a few other national chain restaurants and we hope to be making an announcement shortly.”

TGI Fridays was one of the first casual dining chain restaurants to come to the Route 224 strip, Kutlick noted.

“They’ve been there over 20 years and have been a great tenant of ours,” he added.

TGI Fridays describes itself as the “original casual dining bar and grill.” The chain operates more than 900 restaurants in 60 countries. The first store opened in 1965 in New York City.

The company operates as TGI Friday’s Inc., and is owned by Sentinel Capital Partners and TriArtisan Capital Parnters.