YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – An exhibition of works by Austintown-based photographer Elise McKeown Skolnick will open Jan. 1 in the art gallery at the Jewish Community Center of Youngstown, 505 Gypsy Lane, and run through Jan. 22.
A reception will take place Jan. 8 from 1 to 3 p.m.
Titled “Mahoning Valley Through My Eyes,” the exhibit explores what the artist has seen and been intrigued by in the area where she has lived for nearly 30 years.
“I find something to see and admire wherever I go,” Skolnick said. “It can be big, small, flashy, ordinary, easily noticeable, or off the beaten path. Often, the most interesting things are right in our backyard.”
Skolnick received her first camera at age 10 and was instantly hooked. She does some portrait photography but found her true calling to be in nature photography and photographing what she sees around her.
Her work has been included in many juried exhibitions and is in numerous private collections.
Embroidery, Portrait Drawing Workshops
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – The Paul and Yetta Gluck School of Visual Arts at the Jewish Community Center of Youngstown, 505 Gypsy Lane, is offering two workshops in January.
“Embroider Your New Year” for ages 14 and over will be from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Jan. 11. Participants will begin an artwork that they can continue to change for the rest of the year. They will use basic stitch techniques to create a monthly embroidery journal. The cost is $25 for JCC members and $30 for nonmembers. Registration is required by Jan. 4.
“Intro to Portrait Drawing” for ages 10 and over will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Jan. 17. Participants will learn the process of drawing a realistic portrait and practice correct proportions, perspective, facial features and more. The cost is $25 for JCC members and $30 for nonmembers. Registration is required by Jan. 12.
Register here.
Auditions Set for ‘Rent’ at the DeYor
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Auditions for a collaborative production of the rock musical “Rent” will take place Jan. 7 from 2 to 6 p.m., with callbacks on Jan. 8 from 2 to 7 p.m. in the Adler Arts Academy at the DeYor Performing Arts Center, 258 W. Federal St., downtown.
The musical features many adult themes, and all actors must be over 18 at the time of auditions. Auditionees are asked to prepare to perform 32 bars of a song from any rock musical, plus a one-minute monologue from a contemporary play. Bring sheet music or a backing track of the accompaniment. A piano accompanist will be available.
To register for an audition time, click here, and then click the “Book Audition Time” button.
“Rent” is being directed by Matthew Mazuroski, with music director Rosie Bresson and choreographer Joanna Andrei.
Rehearsals will begin Sunday, Feb. 26. Performances will take place April 27-30. More information is available here.
The production is being produced by Opera Western Reserve, the Stambaugh Auditorium Association, the Youngstown Playhouse and the Youngstown Symphony Society.
After School Arts Program at The Hoyt
NEW CASTLE, Pa. – Arts & Education at the Hoyt’s free After School Arts program will resume on Jan. 10 with a new selection of art-making activities for grades one through five in Lawrence County.
Due to the popularity of the program, students are encouraged to choose only those weeks that fit their schedule and interests.
Register here or call 724 652 2882, ext. 115. A list of courses and descriptions can be found at the website.
Doors open at 3 p.m. for homework and snacks. Instruction begins at 4 p.m. and includes all materials. Students will be dismissed at 5:30 p.m.
Pictured at top: “Tiny Dancer,” a photograph by Elise McKeown Skolnick, whose works will be exhibited in January.