YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Youngstown State University’s Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Combo will present a free concert featuring the music of graduate student Chandler Carpenter and undergraduate students Aaron White and Zach Fleischman at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 20, in the Chestnut Room of Kilcawley Center.
The ensemble will feature “Real Fake Blues” by Carpenter and “Snapdragon” by White. The combo will feature White’s “Quadacity” and Fleischman’s arrangement of “So Nice.”
Both the ensemble and the combo are under the direction of Kurt Englehardt.
Rust Belt Theater Presents ‘Dating Sucks’
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – The Rust Belt Theater Company will bring back its original show “Dating Sucks: The Musical” with performances at 8 p.m. Feb. 17, 18, 24 and 25.
The musical comedy, now in its 13th year, was written by Robert Dennick Joki, with orchestration by Josh Taylor. The revue-style musical explores the peaks and pitfalls of modern dating, with cringeworthy, real-life dating stories and original songs.
The show also features dialog taken directly from online dating profiles and mobile dating app conversations, as well as from the audience itself.
Joki describes it as “a raunchy multimedia musical that leaves little to the imagination.” He updates the show each year to reflect the current dating climate.
The cast includes Nicole Zayas, Holly Anne, Celena Coven, Sarah Whitlatch, Shelby Gossick, Charity Bauer, Mia Grimes, Dean LaSalandra, Jessica Patoray, Heather Powell, Corey Ensell and PK Lankford.
All tickets are $15 general admission. For reservations, call 330 507 2358. Tickets can also be purchased online HERE.
The Rust Belt Theater Company is located inside Club Switch, 221 Belmont Ave., in downtown Youngstown.
MetroParks Tackles Deer Overpopulation
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – The land owned or managed by Mill Creek MetroParks has a deer population that is more than 19 times its recommended carrying capacity.
This overpopulation is negatively affecting the health of the deer and ecological biodiversity of the land, according to the park system, which conducted an infrared aerial survey of its land.
To address the problem, the MetroParks is developing a long-term management plan. It is seeking input from members of the community who wish to provide input. Learn more HERE.
Extension Agent to Outline Programs
LIBERTY TOWNSHIP, Ohio – Haley Shoemaker, Ohio State University Extension Office representative, will speak about the history and importance of the land-grant university programs at 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 18, in the meeting room of Denny’s Restaurant, 4020 Belmont Ave.

Her address is sponsored by the William Holmes McGuffey Historical Society.
Shoemaker is the Columbiana/Mahoning agriculture and natural resources educator with the Canfield Extension Office.
The Extension Service system got its start in 1862 when Congress passed the Morrill Act, which provided for a university in each state to provide education to citizens in agricultural and mechanical fields. These colleges are known as “land-grant universities.” The Ohio State University is Ohio’s 1862 land-grant university.
Congress passed the Smith-Lever Act in 1914 to establish the Cooperative Extension Service, which is a state-by-state network of educators who “extend” university knowledge to farmers. Cooperative Extension is an educational partnership between the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the nation’s land-grant universities.
Admission to Shoemaker’s address is $10 ($5 for McGuffey Society members). Reservations are suggested; call 330 726 8277.
Mill Creek Race Seeks Runners, Volunteers
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Runners and volunteers are being sought for the March 26 Mill Creek Distance Classic race.
The half marathon will begin at 8:30 a.m., and the 5-mile will take place at 8:45 a.m.
This race has been staged by the Youngstown Road Runners Club for more than 30 years.
The weather is as much a part of the race as the course itself. The 13.1-mile route takes runners past two lakes, Lanterman’s Mill, the falls, a cascade and Mill Creek.
Register HERE. More information is available HERE.
Pictured at top: The Youngstown State University Jazz Combo.