WARREN, Ohio – The Trumbull Neighborhood Partnership has been awarded $31,551 to collect data and create a planning process to identify and address the food desert in Warren.

The Community Food Security Assessment grant, announced by U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan, D-13 Ohio, will be used to create a demographic profile of the city, food distribution resources, local agricultural resources, the availability and affordability of food and mapping analysis.

“This allows us to recreate, on a much smaller scale, the same process we followed over three years that lead to the neighborhood plans we developed that focused on blight remediation,” said Matt Martin, TNP executive director. “Food access is a major issue in Warren.”

After the data has been collected, TNP will create short-term and long-term strategies to reduce barriers to fresh food, including identifying resources and planning projects to address the issues, Martin said.

“More than two in three Americans are overweight or obese, and those numbers continue to climb in low-income communities,” Ryan noted in announcing the grant. “We cannot allow the status quo to continue and must find new ways for all Americans to have access to fresh, healthy food.”