NEW WILMINGTON, Pa.  – The Westminster Cable Network (WCN) recently upgraded its digital broadcasting equipment, and now operates on the same model as major national networks. The new high-definition television facilities provide students with hands-on experience, preparing them for jobs in broadcasting and streaming of live events and sports.

The digital upgrades also allow WCN to broadcast from multiple campus sites simultaneously and combine those multiple locations in the same broadcast—just like the major networks.

 “This upgrade provides incredible flexibility and opens up multiple opportunities for students, all at a significantly less cost to the school,” said Gary Swanson, technical operations manager for Titan Radio and media systems engineer for Westminster’s Department of Information Technology Systems.

Before the upgrade, WCN was limited to where their live broadcast with multiple cameras could operate on campus. Locations had to be outfitted with substantial analog transmission equipment, limiting the station’s ability to be live to only a few specific campus sites.

WCN, Titan Radio and provide opportunities that have supported Westminster graduates in careers at CBS, ESPN, Warner Bros. and several other media companies. Students can showcase their work in the industry standard formats with the new off-site switching, widescreen and high-definition format for live streaming. The upgrades enhance their demo reels and portfolios.

The Titan Broadcast Crew will present its first live HD broadcast on Saturday, Sept. 17, when the Titan football squad hosts Allegheny College at 7 p.m. WCN streams the game live on and local Armstrong and Comcast channels.

Pictured at top: New equipment has been added to upgrade Westminster College’s broadcast capabilities.