SALEM, Ohio – After working out of his home for three years, Dave Woods II moved his Woodshop Media LLC into an office downtown and increased year-to-year revenue.

In-person video shoots came to a standstill during the pandemic. So Woods says he had to shift to remote video editing and motion graphics. He had launched his video production and content creation company in 2019 and sustained the business during a tough period by remaining resilient and flexible.

“Clients would mail me their products. I would produce the content and send their products back without ever needing any physical contact,” Woods says. “I was able to gain more work opportunities once I built up my studio work portfolio.”

Because Woods invested revenue into new equipment, he is able to handle bigger jobs. “I’m getting hired for bigger productions and our campaigns are helping clients achieve bigger goals,” he says.

Woods says his next goal is to achieve a steady workload and hire another full-time editor so he can focus on business development and better serving clients.