YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Construction of a third building at the site of Joseph Co. International’s Chill-Can complex should begin in about a week, the company’s founder and CEO said Friday.
“Building three will start next week,” Mitchell Joseph told The Business Journal. “Work on the footers should begin and the new building should be going up in September.”
The objective is to have the first three buildings finished by December in order to begin limited production or distribution out of the Youngstown campus, Joseph said.
“The first building is almost finished,” he said, noting the interior offices are completed there and work continues on cleaning up the site with landscaping and lighting. New flagpoles were recently installed at the entrance of the complex along Himrod Avenue.
On Thursday, Chill-Can launched its first series of television commercials during the Cleveland Browns and Washington Redskins preseason football game. “We did this in Columbus, Youngstown and Cincinnati,” he said. “We’ve bought all four preseason Browns games.”
The commercial features a young woman opening a beverage using Chill-Can’s technology. The company has developed a device that allows these to be the first self-chilling cans on the market and wants to create a large research, development, production and distribution complex on the East Side of Youngstown.
Mitchell said that the objective of the commercials was to “tell Youngstown that this is real.” The ad ends with the message “Chill-Can Coming Soon, Youngstown, Ohio.”
The Business Journal reported in October 2018 that Joseph’s company had signed a contract with AB InBev, the parent of Anheuser-Busch Co. The company wanted to test the product in Brazil first, and those test runs are scheduled to begin by the end of this year, Joseph said.
Chill-Can has also introduced a five-liter keg that InBev will begin marketing this year in Brazil. The kegs are not equipped with self-chilling technology but rather a pressure profile that reduces carbonation and foam.
“Our last tech presentation was just last week,” Joseph said. “These people are so excited about the Chill-Can and the five-liter keg.”