YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Western Reserve Transit Authority is rolling out its third annual “Give Small Business a Lift” campaign to help promote and honor local small businesses, their owners and employees.

The campaign will spotlight 12 local businesses that exemplify the Mahoning Valley’s entrepreneurial spirit and work ethic.

“Small business is the backbone of our economy across the nation, and especially here in the Valley,” said Dean Harris, WRTA executive director. “WRTA is proud to provide transportation to much of the workforce of these businesses, and this campaign is our effort to give them the recognition and support they deserve.”

Small businesses in Mahoning County can complete a form on WRTA’s website to nominate themselves. Nominations will be accepted through March 29.

After nominations are received, three local community leaders who serve as co-chairpersons will select the 12 winners. The businesses will be notified the first week in April, and their awards will be presented at a kickoff event April 18 at Concept Studio.

The 12 featured businesses will be promoted on WRTA buses, its digital sign downtown, on TV commercials and on social media.

During the kickoff event, drawings will be held for the winners in attendance for a TV advertising campaign donated by WKBN-TV and The Business Journal, a social media campaign donated by Farris Marketing and a customer satisfaction survey for up to 100 customers, also donated by Farris Marketing.

The promotion of the 12 businesses will coincide with National Small Business Week (April 28-May 4), and will continue through July 30.