Western Reserve Transit Authority

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — As the 2022-2023 academic year begins, the Western Reserve Transit Authority seeks to recognize the contributions of secondary schools in Mahoning County as part of its All Star Schools campaign.

“We call them ‘All Star Schools’ because of the great job they do as they educate, inspire and develop our next generation of community leaders.” said Dean Harris, Executive Director of WRTA

“These high schools give the Valley a lift too,” he says, in reference to WRTA’s “Giving the Valley a Lift” marketing campaign.

All through September, WRTA will spotlight local high schools in TV commercials, social media, on busses and even the giant digital signs at Federal Station. “We want the community to know how our local ‘All Star Schools’ add value and improve the lives of your students, their families and their community. “ Harris added.

All Mahoning County high schools will be mentioned in the All Star Schools campaign. High schools can also be highlighted individually in TV and social media messages if they wish and point out the things that make their school special. The individual messages can even feature students, teachers and administrators.

Letters were sent to the principals of all county high schools explaining how they can participate. Parents and students may want to encourage their school administrators to respond to the letters. There is no cost, but schools need to respond by July 30 for individual recognition. Call 330-770-9627 or email Makenna Ozenghar at mozenghar@farrismarketing.com for details.

WRTA provides up to 7,000 rides a day so residents can get to work shop for groceries and get to their medical appointments and other destinations. Riding WRTA is free, and that helps local families with transportation, especially with fuel prices so high.