YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – City Council could have a proposal for an agreement with a developer to purchase and redevelop 20 Federal Place by its Aug. 25 special meeting, city finance director Kyle Miasek said Monday.

Miasek briefly addressed the status of 20 Federal during a discussion of legislation council members will consider at Wednesday’s special meeting to authorize the city’s Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract with a security company to provide services for the city-owned building. The city now is operating on a month-to-month basis with the current provider.  

Miasek confirmed that the city is in discussions with Desmone, a Pittsburgh architectural firm that submitted one of two proposals in response to the city’s request for proposals earlier this year. The other respondent, Warren-based Downtown Development Group, has withdrawn its proposal, President Mark Marvin said. 

Once Desmone representatives provide further documentation, the city will follow the steps outlined in the RFP process “and hopefully will be making a presentation to council on a recommendation,” ideally by the late August meeting, Miasek said. 

“In a perfect case scenario, that’s how it would play out. No guarantees, though,” he added.  

Without discussion, council members agreed to advance to Wednesday’s agenda an ordinance authorizing the board of control to negotiate terms and enter into an agreement with Kempthorn Motors, a Canton area car dealership, to lease the former AT&T call center building, 2933 Salt Springs Road, for up to three years with a guarantee to purchase the building for $550,000 (READ MORE).

Kempthorn Motors plans to open a body shop in the building, Eric Kempthorn, president of the 83-year-old car dealership, said Monday afternoon. 

“Youngstown was an area that we wanted to be in,” Kempthorn said. The company has a similar operation in Akron. 

The dealership had searched the local market for a building for about a year when the Salt Springs Road property caught the company’s eye. The building’s space suits its needs and the highway access is ideal. “You want direct access to the highway for the tow trucks,” he said.  

Council members also voted to move an item authorizing the city to enter into a one-year, $60,000 license agreement with Colu Technologies in New York for use of its software platform supporting the city’s YO! buy local app. Council members wanted additional information regarding other expenses associated with the app, including marketing and possible city funding of the “City Bites” points incentive.