YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – With students learning virtually because of the pandemic, teachers at Youngstown’s McGuffey Elementary took to the streets to celebrate students who made the honor roll and had high attendance.

On Wednesday, teachers from the school took part in “Painting the Town McGuffey” and placed signs – more than 300 of them – in the yards of recognized students.

“We want our scholars to know that we are proud of them even at a distance and that we celebrate their achievements,” said Eboni Williams, McGuffey’s fifth- through eighth-grade principal, in a statement. “We also want the community to know the awesome scholars we have here at McGuffey.”

McGuffey second-grader Parris Richardson with the sign posted in his yard to recognize his attendance.

Aaron Bouie, McGuffey’s pre-Kthrough fourth-grade principal, said the recognition not only rewards scholars for their achievements but also strengthens the connection between school staff, students and families.

“Our goal is to support our McGuffey scholars and celebrate their successes, achievements and dedication to learning,” he said. “We want our McGuffey scholars to be proud of their accomplishments and know that we are watching how hard they are fighting to learn no matter the challenges and barriers in front of them.”

Pictured at top: Lindsay DeVecchio, McGuffey school counselor, picks up yard signs from Eboni Williams, McGuffey fifth through eighth-grade principal. The signs were posted in the yards of scholars to recognize their achievements in academics and attendance.