YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Since launching its COVID-19 Response Fund March 16, the United Way of Youngstown and the Mahoning Valley has raised $150,000.
Among the donations to the fund have been $20,000 from the James and Coralie Centofanti Charitable Foundation and $25,000 from the Ward Beecher Foundation. A list of “champion” donors to the fund is available here.
The funds have gone to agencies throughout the area providing resources to those in need during the COVID-10 outbreak. A full list of distributions can be found here.
The United Way has help in the distribution of 52,000 meals to Youngstown City Schools students over the past two weeks. In addition, 1,100 families in Youngstown, Campbell, Girard, Liberty and Struthers, as well as those being served by Beatitude House, Compass Family and Community Services and Emmanuel Community Care, have received $50 grocery gift cards.
Food was also distributed to 150 senior citizens and hundreds of hospital workers have been given hot meals.
Donations to the COVID-19 Response Fund can be made at or by texting “COVID19” 313131.