YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Your company received a Paycheck Protection Program loan and now you’re wondering whether it qualifies for forgiveness. Your company is reopening and you’re concerned about how to protect your employees and customers from the coronavirus. Your company has general liability insurance, but you’re wondering if it covers negligence regarding workplace safety precautions.
Wonder no more!
These questions – top-of-mind for the owners and managers of companies large and small – will be answered at 7:30 Wednesday in the inaugural edition of The Business Journal’s new series, “Survive, Adapt, Transform | Operating Strategies for Today’s Environment.”
The four-week series, underwritten by First National Bank of Pennsylvania, provides insights and actionable steps to help business owners get back on track to growing their business.
REGISTER NOW to attend the first 30-minute virtual Q&A. Those who register will be able directly engage with panelists.
“Survive, Adapt, Transform” runs four consecutive Wednesday mornings. It features a 20-minute discussion moderated by The Business Journal, followed by the Q&A.
To be discussed Wednesday are PPP loan forgiveness, “reasonable” standards of care for employees and customers, and sufficient insurance coverage.
Panelists are Tim Petrey from H.D. Davis CPAs, Nils Johnson from the Johnson & Johnson law firm and Jim Klingensmith from L. Calvin Jones.
“Survive, Adapt, Transform” continues Wednesday June 17, June 24 and July 1 – each edition running from 7:30 to 8 a.m. The video events will be hosted on Zoom and Facebook Live.
The videos will be recorded and published later on other Business Journal platforms, including, our LinkedIn page and our print edition.
REGISTER NOW for to participate in this unique series!