YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Youngstown State University will host four discussions on social media as part of its Brown Bag Lunch program. The first event, Feb. 5, will focus on the use of Instagram.

The first session, held in Kilcawley Center, will feature Jamie Jamison, an Instagram influencer and YSU instructor, and Lori McGlone, who operates a social media marketing consulting business and runs the White House Fruit Farms Instagram account.

“We often receive questions from community members about social media basics and strategies, and if we have students available to assist them,” said Adam Earnheardt, chairman of the Department of Communications at YSU. “Our social media track is designed to prepare students for careers in this area. In response to the questions we get about social media and our students, we’ve gathered local experts and our students to launch this new series.”

The series’ other events are March 5 featuring YSU coordinator of social media Kati Hartwig, March 26 featuring DOYO Live founder Dennis Schiraldi and April 30 featuring Ryan McNicholas, assistant director of marketing for YSU’s campus recreation program.

All events are scheduled to include a question-and-answer session.

The events are free but registration is required via email at Parking is available in the Wick Avenue parking deck. For more information, call 330 941 2307.