YOUNGSTOWN – The next Satur-Day of Caring, the monthly food-delivery event for senior citizens and shut-ins sponsored by the United Way of Youngstown and the Mahoning Valley, will take place Saturday, Aug. 20.

Every third Saturday of the month, United Way delivers fresh food and nonperishables to 425 homes across the Mahoning Valley.

Approximately 100 Youngstown State University faculty, staff, alumni and students have volunteered to assist with deliveries this week.

Satur-Day of Caring started during the COVID-19 pandemic when people could not get out of their homes. United Way donor Ed Muransky and his family wanted to help the seniors and shut-ins, and teamed up with United Way to start food deliveries once a month. The initiative is funded by the Mahoning County Commissioners and the American Recovery Plan.

“We started with 100 homes and now we are serving more than 425,” said Bob Hannon, president of the local United Way. “The need to serve people in their homes is still there, and we can fill that gap with our amazing volunteers.”

Volunteers will meet at the parking lot behind 100 DeBartolo Place in Boardman to unload and pack food bags beginning at 8 a.m. Then 60 drivers will deliver directly to the 425 homes. YSU staff decided to kick-off their annual workplace campaign with this day of action.

Every month at Satur-Day of Caring, you will find volunteers from YSU – from the football and basketball teams to the Sokolov Honors College. This month, YSU wanted to engage the entire university and foster future service with United Way.