YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – In the wake of splitting its Office of Research into two reorganized offices, Youngstown State University has announced three promotions.
Mike Hripko is the university’s new associate vice president for external affairs, government relations and economic development, while Greg Dillon is interim associate vice president for research and Severine Van Slambrouck is director of research, compliance and initiatives, effective Feb. 2019.
The appointments come after YSU’s reorganization split off the Regional Economic Development Initiative from the Office of Research.
Hripko will serve as YSU’s primary contact for all levels of government, as well as individuals, community organization and business that want to work with the university. His primary focus is the development of the Mahoning Valley Innovation and Commercialization Center.
Dillon, also the associate dean of the College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, will take over the Office of Research. Prior to coming to YSU, he was deputy head of Penn State University’s applied research laboratory composite materials division from 2000 to 2012, a principal engineer in advanced development at Northrop Grumman, a senior development engineer at Lawrie Technology Inc. and assistant director of the composites manufacturing program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
In his position as director of research, Van Slambrouck will lead YSU’s efforts to develop external grants and contracts, oversee management and compliance for those awarded to the university and devise, implement and update policies to promote grant proposal development. With 14 years of academic experience, she has secured more than $2.5 million for research and education and has served on review panels for the National Science Foundation and international research foundations.