YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Youngstown State University is one of five Ohio universities to collaborate on the first multi-institution preparation program designed to increase the number of teachers for students with visual impairments, or TVIs, in the state.

The Ohio Deans Compact on Exceptional Children approved the program, which will also includes Shawnee State University, Kent State University, Mount Vernon Nazarene University and University of Rio Grande.

All five institutions are working together to provide a common online curriculum leading to TVI licensing.

The TVI Consortium program is part of the work of the Low Incidence Sensory Disability Collaborative initiated through the Deans Compact with support and leadership from the Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Department of Higher Education.

The four-semester program, designed as a post-baccalaureate license-only program, is open to individuals who hold a standard teaching license or an intervention specialist license in an area other than visual impairment. Teachers are currently being recruited for a fall 2017 start.

Nationally, programs for students with visual impairment and other low incidence sensory disabilities, such as hearing impairment or deaf-blindness are closing due to high costs. The new online program will allow teachers to remain in their local communities while becoming TVIs.

SOURCE: YSU News Center