Feng ‘George’ Yu, associate professor, computer science and information systems at Youngstown State University, is one of the authors of a research paper that won the best paper award at the peer-reviewed 28th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering in San Diego. Yu, who presented the paper at the conference, authored the paper with David S. Wilson, one of Yu’s master students who graduated from YSU in 2018, and Wen-Chi Hou, professor of computer science at Southern Illinois University. The paper, Scalable Correlated Sampling for Join Query Estimations on Big Data, focuses on a new big data technique that processes complex queries instantly and produces accurate estimations. The research is supported by the Cushwa Shearing Graduate Fellowship, University Research Council Grant, Research Professorship Award at YSU and an Amazon Research and Education Grant.
YSU Prof Presents ‘Best Paper’ at Software Conference