YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — More than $700,000 in funding will allow Youngstown State University to purchase advanced manufacturing equipment for its programs.

YSU has received $716,699 from the Ohio Department of Higher Education through its Regionally Aligned Priorities in Delivering Skills, or RAPIDS, program. The university secured the funding through its partnerships with area businesses and higher education stakeholders.

In collaboration with the Columbiana County Career and Technical Center, YSU said it will enhance manufacturing resources to support area workforce development public-private partnerships.

Local business partners say the funding will help prepare students for regional in-demand jobs.

“Dearing Compressor relies heavily on YSU graduates and local talent for its workforce, and we support YSU’s efforts in the acquisition of equipment that helps to sustain our industry’s technology needs,” said Joel Hodge, engineering coordinator for Dearing. “CT scanning is one of the most advanced technologies for nondestructive testing of assembled components, or to verify the integrity of complex fabricated parts. Students who have trained with this inspection technology will be valuable in preparing us to meet the increasingly complex nondestructive evaluation requirements of our industry.”

John Carey, chancellor of the Ohio Department of Higher Education, said the RAPIDS program helps Ohio regions address the most pressing workforce needs while preparing traditional and nontraditional students for successful careers.

“When our schools collaborate to secure funding through the RAPIDS program, it gives students more opportunities to succeed while strengthening regional businesses and Ohio’s economy,” Carey said.