YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Ten hand-washing stations will be placed around the campus of Youngstown State University when students return for the fall semester.

The touchless hand-washing units each feature four sinks and paper towel dispensers, separated by dividers. They can accommodate 720 20-second washes per hour.

“These units are part of the university’s comprehensive plans for a safe and healthy return to classes on campus,” said Julie Gentile, YSU’s director of environmental and occupational health and safety, in a statement. “Health experts agree that washing your hands may be the single most effective defense to the spread of the coronavirus. YSU is committed to ensuring that all students have facilities available to keep their hands clean and virus-free.”

The stations were unveiled Monday at Youngstown State, with President Jim Tressel and his wife, Ellen, giving demonstrations.

“As we gear up for the start of fall semester, these stations are one way to make sure that our students are as safe as they can be,” Ellen Tressel said.

The mobile units were made by Personal Protected in New Middletown. They will be placed in building lobbies, the Watson and Tressel Training Site and other areas on campus.

After spring break, Youngstown State moved the rest of the spring semester online in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The university plans on resuming on-campus classes for the fall semester and has developed safety and health guidelines.

Source: YSU News